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Attention: Increase in Inquiries for Another App
We have noticed an increase in inquiries for an app named "TypeAI," which is different from the one associated with this app icon. Please be aware that we cannot respond to inquiries related to the other "TypeAI" app. It is crucial to verify the app before submitting your inquiry through this form.
This inquiry form is specifically for the app associated with this icon.
Thank you for your understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be automatically charged after downloading?

No, you will not be automatically charged. Only those who have completed the trial period, which lasts for three days, will be charged. Simply downloading the app or using it within the free limit of 10 times will not result in any charges.

How can I cancel or unsubscribe from the trial?

You can follow the instructions provided in this link:
Could you please try following those steps? Please note that deleting the app itself does not cancel your subscription.